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What's Ahead for 2020 ?

What's Ahead for 2020 ?

San Diego Real Estate Update - December 2019 What's your next move for 2020? With 2019 coming to …

'Tis the Season for Slowdowns

'Tis the Season for Slowdowns

November 2019 - San Diego Real Estate Update As we begin the slower time of year for home …

Housing Scares in San Diego?

Housing Scares in San Diego?

Housing Scares in San Diego? October 2019 - Market Update With ghouls and cobwebs hung from the trees …

Things You Shouldn't Do When Buying a Home

Things You Shouldn't Do When Buying a Home

The last thing in the world you would ever want is to spend a bunch of time searching …

Should I Rent or Buy a Home?

Should I Rent or Buy a Home?

Choosing whether to rent or own a home is not an easy decision. It requires you to carefully …

7 Home Reno's That Will Increase Your Resale …

7 Home Reno's That Will Increase Your Resale …

You want to make the most money possible when it comes time to sell your home. The way …

The Future Of Real Estate Commissions

The Future Of Real Estate Commissions

When it comes to real estate, it’s all about location. But when it comes to staging a home …

Get the most from your holiday rental

Get the most from your holiday rental

I believe that. In fact, I know that. Starting my start-up career at Zillow (see this for some …

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